वैराग्य में स्थिर कैसे रहें? | Strengthening Vairagya

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वैराग्य में स्थिर कैसे रहें? | Strengthening Vairagya

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September 28, 2023

Fulfilling cravings of external objects might appear to alleviate anxiety, it paradoxically deepens our reliance. Those who understand the futility of over-materialism tread the path of liberation; as validated by Maharishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

‘Aparigrahi vrutti’ implies minimum attachment towards external objects and situations. This, Sri Guru says, is the key ingredient for intensifying Vairagya within.

Tune in and gather invaluable insights on how to intensify and embrace Vairagya in your life.

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