Patanjali Yog Sutra | EP #37 | साधक का पहला स्वधर्म – अवलोकन

Patanjali Yog Sutra Curated

Patanjali Yog Sutra | EP #37 | साधक का पहला स्वधर्म – अवलोकन

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November 4, 2022

‘Introspection is a door to immense transformation within’.

Introspection (अवलोकन) is often used as a formal approach in psychology to analyze one’s thoughts and feelings. However, Spirituality realizes that there is a wider scope of using introspection at every stage of a seeker’s growth. Here, introspection is referred to as स्वाध्याय (Swadhyay) – when we become the subject of our study. Our scriptures give immense importance to the practice of Swadhyay. What is the right approach to make the most of introspection?

Here, Sri Guru simplifies the essential practice of Introspection and how to do it the right way.

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