Patanjali Yog Sutra | EP #41 | धारणा — ध्यान का पहला कदम

Patanjali Yog Sutra Curated

Patanjali Yog Sutra | EP #41 | धारणा — ध्यान का पहला कदम

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November 21, 2022

In Vibhutipada (विभूतिपाद), the third chapter of the Patanjali Yog Sutras, Maharishi Patanjali propounds yet another important element of the Ashtanga Marg — Dharana (धारणा). These Sutras talk about bringing your intense awareness upon a certain object (whether light, sound, breath, etc.). Although Dharana has long served as a powerful medium in one’s journey of Sadhana, the absence of an enlightened master often breeds many misconceptions about this glorious practice. Here, Sri Guru redefines the practice of Dharana, in a way that it becomes a stepping stone toward Dhyana.

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