Duty or Destiny | Maharamayana Series EP #17

Yogvaashishth Maharamayan Curated

Duty or Destiny | Maharamayana Series EP #17

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May 31, 2023

Shree Ram’s life is filled with a series of paradoxical choices. While some events showcase His unwavering acceptance, others leave us bewildered about His principles of acceptance.

This dilemma poses a question: When should we embrace a situation as destiny and when should our actions shape the relevant outcomes?

Only those with a clear understanding of Dharma can navigate this uncertainty.

Shree Ram’s tone of acceptance varies throughout His life’s episodes. Rest assured, He consistently remains true to His Dharma.

To grasp Shree Ram’s actions and apply His intentions to our own lives, a deep comprehension of Dharma becomes vital.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita lays down 5 factors of actions. Mastering them ensures that we are in sync with Dharma and the outcome that appears before us is our fate. Otherwise, it is our inclination toward escapism leading us to inaction.

Engage with this enlightening video as Sri Guru delves into this topic, empowering us to take charge of our life.

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