इच्छाओं का बंधन | Maharamayana Series EP #21

Yogvaashishth Maharamayan Curated

इच्छाओं का बंधन | Maharamayana Series EP #21

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June 29, 2023

Desires (Trishna) are what guide most of our efforts. Oblivious to the true nature of these desires, we seek happiness through them.

However, Shree Ram’s profound understanding of life and the world revealed a different perspective.

Shree Ram uses various analogies to describe the nature of desires, all pointing to one eternal truth – they are incapable of fulfilling the inner void.

Thus, Shree Ram yearns for an experience that can genuinely bring contentment, freeing Him from the shackles of desires.

Sri Guru believes, wisdom alone cannot guarantee transformation. To achieve lasting transformation, one must elevate their energies to a higher level. In that higher energy zone, transformation is a natural outcome.

Hence, Meditation holds great significance at SRM. Gain a deep understanding of this concept and experience the transformation, with Sri Guru.

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