बच्चों का सही विकास | Maharamayana Series EP #27

Yogvaashishth Maharamayan Curated

बच्चों का सही विकास | Maharamayana Series EP #27

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August 24, 2023

According to psychology, approximately 90% of our brain development occurs during the first 3 years of life. During these crucial formative years, our behaviour towards children and life profoundly impacts their present, and future.

Sri Guru emphasises, “Certain things are not taught but caught. Children learn not merely from our words but by observing our actions.” This underscores the significant role of the external environment in shaping a child’s growth.

In the previous episode, we explored the challenges children face that leads to emotional distress and confusions. In this episode, Sri Guru provides 10 principles that, when understood and practised correctly, can ensure a joyful childhood and a wholesome life!

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