मुक्ति का साधन – ज्ञान या कर्म? | Ramayana’s Message | Maharamayana Series Ep #5

Yogvaashishth Maharamayan Curated

मुक्ति का साधन – ज्ञान या कर्म? | Ramayana’s Message | Maharamayana Series Ep #5

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March 9, 2023

Karma and Gyana (Action and Wisdom) are the two essentials in spirituality. Lord Krishna lays emphasis on the relevance of these tools through His explanation of Karma Yog and Bhakti Yog in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. However, a problem arises when people begin to prioritise one over the other. They often trap themselves in a dilemma about which of the two is superior, or which one to choose, and in what proportion? Though this choice seems extremely relevant for our spiritual progress, in reality, it is futile.

Episode#5 highlights the right way to utilise these spiritual tools available to all of us. Through the story of Brahmin Sutikshna and Muni Agastya written in Sh. Yogvaashishth Maharamayana, Sri Guru explains the significance of Karma and Gyaan in a seeker’s life.

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