श्री राम की अनुभूति – शक्ति क्रिया | Vishnu Avatar Katha | Maharamayan Series Ep #6

Yogvaashishth Maharamayan Curated

श्री राम की अनुभूति – शक्ति क्रिया | Vishnu Avatar Katha | Maharamayan Series Ep #6

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March 15, 2023

For generations, people have long admired and strived for Lord Ram’s devotion, valor and virtues. His saga is not told to entertain, but to inspire a life of higher values. But to highlight the plight of modern times, society is steadily drifting away this long-standing source of inspiration.

In Episode#6, Sri Guru uncovers the spiritual interpretation of the story of Shri Ram’s Avatar, as manifested in the dialogue between Arishtanemi and Maharishi Valmiki. Moreover, in order to reunite us with our true potential of abundant energy, Sri Guru blesses sincere seekers with the divine “Shakti Kriya” – a guided meditation that helps us bridge the gap between our ideals and who we actually are. This Kriya holds the potential to bring us out from our self-created traps of excessive desires, and bestow a sense of contentment within.

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